Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Why Go to a Non-Accredited Bible College?

By Eric Crane

Motivation.  It’s the main thing we always claim is missing when we attempt to accomplish anything.  “I want to write the next great American novel, but I lack motivation.” or “The dishes are piling up in the sink, but I haven’t the motivation to clean them.” or “I want a college degree, but lost my motivation.”  It’s something that plagues us all, in any setting…but none more-so than college. 
          We all enter school with a gung-ho attitude, truly believing we are going to change the world!!!  Then a few seminars and exams later, we’re wondering why we even bother.  Our momentum eventually burns out.  This happens no matter what school we attend, but how does one regain that gung-ho attitude if they’re attending a school of ministry; nonetheless, an unaccredited school.
          The face value benefits of Summit Bible College are fairly obvious: equipping leaders for ministry.  Our minds become renewed as we truly learn about the Word of God.  Our knowledge increases tenfold as we acquire top notch theological training.  We discover our identity in Christ, our passion for ministry, and our vision for the future according to God’s will.  However, not everyone desires to be a pastor or is called to create a street team or is even led to take a leadership role in their own church; so the question becomes, “Why continue on with this work if I’m not going into those areas?  How does a degree from Summit Bible College actually benefit me?”
          It’s an honest question and one we shouldn’t be ashamed to ask.  How can I use a SBC certificate or degree in ordinary life?  First of all, the life of a Christian is anything but ordinary.  We stand on the front lines of spiritual warfare, commanded by Christ to bring the Kingdom of God to a dying world; we are all of us, ministers.  Whether you work in an office, a drilling rig, or even a stay-at-home parent, “you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood…that you may declare the praises of Him that called you out of darkness into His wonderful.” (1 Peter 2:9)  So no matter your position in life, you are a minister.
But that’s not the question you asked, is it?  You want to know how this degree can benefit you…professionally.
          It’s true, some professions do require a Bachelor’s Degree or higher from an accredited colleges; but many high paying, entry-level professions only require some college, usually a year or more.  These are fantastic careers that offer great pay (most usually starting at $50k or more a year) and benefits.  This is where a certificate or degree from SBC puts you ahead of the game…
          You see, employers ask for a year of college simply to know that their applicant are mildly educated and somewhat follow through with tasks.  The average applicant merely completed general education and dropped out or they only took “fun” personal interest classes; so the average applicant still poses a risk for the employer.  Then you enter, and at the bottom of your application is a note stating you have received a Bachelor’s Degree from Summit Bible College.  Although religions, faiths, and beliefs are not to hold bearing in a professional environment, the words “Bible College” do tell the employer something very important about you: that you have a servants heart, meaning you are a hard & thankful worker; that you have high moral standards, meaning that you won’t lie or cheat the company; and lastly, whether the employer knows it or not, their natural hunger for the Holy Spirit will drive them to want to work with you.   
          So how does a degree from Summit Bible College benefit you?  With the knowledge and training you acquire here, you will be led by faith to apply for the career God as called you to be in.  You will be entering that job as a servant of God, sent by God, for God.  And finally, your future boss will look at your college experience and know that this person is a humble and devoted worker, that they are highly educated, and that they are a driven employee...that you are motivated!

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